OpenAI GPT4o Mini Launched as Most Cost-Effective Small AI Model

openai gpt4o mini
OpenAI GPT-4o Mini

OpenAI released its latest artificial intelligence (AI) model, OpenAi GPT4o Mini, on Thursday. It is a  small ai model and the company says it is its most cost-effective model to date. GPT-4o Mini is replacing GPT-3.5 Turbo on ChatGPT for all users as the default AI model. It will also be made available as application programming interface (API) for enterprises and developers.

In a blog post, the company announced the public release of its latest AI model. One of the main highlights of the new AI model is its cost-effectiveness. The company says it is 60 percent cheaper than GPT-3.5 Turbo, which was its previous cheapest small model. In actual numbers, processing one million input tokens will cost the company $0.15 (roughly Rs. 12), and per million output tokens will cost $0.60 (roughly Rs. 50).

it also offers low latency (time taken to show the response) which makes it one of the company’s most efficient AI models. It currently supports text and vision (image processing) in the API, and OpenAI says it will support text, image, video and audio as both input and output in the future.

Company claimed that the GPT-4o Mini outperformed Gemini Flash and Claude Haiku in reasoning text and vision-based tasks, based on its internal testing. It is also claimed to score 87 percent on the Multilingual Grade School Math (MGSM) benchmark and 87.2 percent on the HumanEval benchmark. These two benchmarks measure the AI model’s math and coding proficiency, respectively.

For safety, the AI firm said it has used both automated and human evaluations as per its Preparedness Framework. The company also tested the AI model with 70 external experts from different disciplines to identify potential risks.

The GPT-4o Mini has been rolled out as the default AI model for ChatGPT for free, Plus, and Team users. The AI model will be extended to enterprise users starting next week. Further, it is also available as a text and vision model in the Assistants API, Chat Completions API, and Batch API. Fine-tuned variants of the model will also be released in the future.


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